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Reading plan

Here are some reading plan proposals for someone who is interested in our site. The goal is to respect a certain pedagogy according to its original knowledge.

This plan is not fixed of course, everyone can adapt it according to their needs.

Proposal for a Jew

Theme Texts to read first Text 1 to deepen Text 2 Text 3
1) Introduction -To the Jews our Brothers
2) The Messiah Announced -The Messiah Announced
-The Messianic Prophecies
-The Biblical Course 10.5 “The Prophet Daniel and the Vision of the Statue”
-The Biblical Course 10.2.3 “The prophet Isaiah announces a persecuted and murdered Messiah”
3) The Torah: from Abraham to Moses -Biblical Course 3 “From Abraham to Isaac”
-Biblical Course 4 “History of Isaac and Jacob”
-Biblical Course 5 “The book of Exodus”
-Biblical Course 6 “Leviticus – Numbers – Deuteronomy”
4) Joshua, the Judges and the history of the Kingdom of Israel -Biblical Course 7 “Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel 1 & 2”
-Biblical Course 8 “Book of Kings-Chronicles-Ezra-Nehemiah-Tobit-Judith-Esther-Maccabees”
5) Psalms and the books of wisdom -Biblical Course 9 “The 7 Books of Wisdom”
6) The prophets -Biblical Course 10 “The four big prophetic books”
-Biblical Course 11 “The 12 small prophetic books”
7) Jesus -The Tragedy of Jesus
8) The gospel -Biblical Course 12 “Books of the New Testament”
-Reading a gospel (eg Matthew)
9) The State of Israel -Christians and Israel
-The Key of the Apocalypse (Revelation)
-The Antichrist and the Return of Christ
-Listen Israel
-Two wonderful Twin Discoveries
10) The cult / The Law -FAQ 6.5.3, To overcome the law -Worship and Place of Worship
-Faith against Law
11) The Temple -FAQ 4.3, The prophet Haggai and the Temple -Biblical Course 7.5.4 “Nathan’s Messianic Prophecy”
12) Read the other texts of the site

Proposal for a Christian

Theme Texts to read first Text 1 to deepen Text 2 Text 3
1) The Apocalypse -Mary’s Message of Fatima
-The Key of the Apocalypse (Revelation)
-The Explanation of Mary’s Message in La Salette
-Mary’s Apparitions in Marienfried
2) The Antichrist -Christians and Israel -The Palestinian Calvary
3) The Return of Jesus -The Antichrist and the Return of Christ
-The Return of Jesus
-The Signs of the Return of Jesus
4) Jesus -The Tragedy of Jesus -The Messiah Announced -The Messianic Prophecies -The Divinity of Jesus
-The Brothers of Jesus
5) The Universal Restoration -The Universal Restoration -Worship and Place of Worship -The True Baptism
6) The Eucharist with the family -Jesus restores the Priesthood
-Bread of Life and new Priesthood
7) The Divine justice -Love and Justice -Biblical Course 12.3 “Jesus on mission: his inaugural speech” -FAQ 3.1, Mercy or anger of God?
8) The Bible -The biblical course
9) Unity of the Bible and the Qur’an -A Look of Faith at the Qur’an -Qur’anic verses about the Messiah Jesus -Christ God in the Gospel and the Qur’an
10) Read the other texts of the site

Proposal for a Muslim

Theme Texts to read first Text 1 to deepen Text 2 Text 3
1) The Antichrist -The Antichrist in Islam
2) The unity of inspiration in the Bible and the Qur’an -A Look of Faith at the Qur’an -Reactions to the Book “A Look of Faith at the Qur’an”
3) The Apocalypse -The Key of the Apocalypse (Revelation) -The Revelation according to Muhammad -Our Mission -The Tragedy of Jesus
-Christians and Israel
4) The authenticity of the Bible -A Look of Faith at the Qur’an 4.5 “The falsification of the Bible” -Biblical Course 1.3 “The authenticity of the biblical text”
5) Jesus, the Messiah, His divinity, His crucifixion – A Look of Faith at the Qur’an 5.1 “The Messiah”
– A Look of Faith at the Qur’an 4.3 “The Divinity of the Messiah”
– A Look of Faith at the Qur’an 4.4 “The crucifixion of the Messiah”
-Qur’anic verses about the Messiah Jesus -Christ God in the Gospel and the Qur’an
-The Messiah Announced
-The Divinity of Jesus
-FAQ 5.1, Jesus is the Son of God is a blasphemy?
6) The divine Trinity -A Look of Faith at the Qur’an 4.1 “The Divine Trinity, the three Aspects of the One and Only God” -The divine Trinity
7) The Spirit -The action of the Holy Spirit according to the Bible and the Qur’an
8) The Virgin Mary and her apparitions -The Explanation of Mary’s Message in La Salette -Mary’s Message of Fatima
9) The Bread of Life -The Bread of Life in the Bible and The Qur’an -Jesus restores the Priesthood -Bread of Life and new Priesthood -The Return of Jesus
– The Universal Restoration
10) The veil -FAQ 6.4, The veil in the Islam -FAQ 6.5, The Veil and the interior purification
11) Read the other texts of the site
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