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The Palestinian Calvary

The purpose of this text is to inform of the origins and the historical context -mostly unknown- of the creation of the State of Israel. It was written in the late 70’s, but is still current today


The Palestinian People have been living, for decades, a Calvary ignored by the grand majority. It is to them that the “independent believers” address this work, with the aim of giving a quick outline of the most prominent events that led to the bloody and iniquitous expatriation of the Palestinians.

Through this book, the “independent believers” call all free men, inviting them to actively contribute in the reestablishment of Justice by working in putting an end to this intolerable calvary, suffered by an entire people, subject to a genocide without precedent, orchestrated by the Zionists and their agents in the world. This reestablishment of Justice is achieved through solidarity with the Palestinian People in their rightful struggle to regain their legitimate rights and to establish their independent democratic State.

We present the tragic history of the Palestinian People in two periods:

  1. Preceding the forced exile of May 1948, as a result of the recognition of the Hebraic State by the UN
  2. After the exile, the sufferance that follows in occupied Palestine and in the countries of exile.

We do not speak out of antisemitism but out of concern for Truth and Justice.

FIRST PERIOD: Palestine and the Palestinians

History teaches us that Palestine and the Palestinians existed since immemorial times. The Bible also mentions Palestine, describing it as:

“…a land where milk and honey flow; its inhabitants are a powerful people; the towns are fortified and very big…” (Numbers 13,17-33).

Thus appeared Palestine and the Palestinians to the Jewish spies sent by Moses. The region was therefore neither desert nor deserted.

However, there is an incontestable fact: Palestine has been the object of human desire throughout the centuries. It is most regrettable that some have granted themselves a Biblical right over this country, trying to make God an accomplice in a crime, which He has never ceased to condemn through the prophets. (See the text: “Christians and Israel”)

Modern Zionist propaganda has made the Western World, in particular, think that Palestine was a desert which transformed into a garden by miraculous Israeli hands and that, as Mrs. Golda Mair used to say: “There are no Palestinians; they never existed”. We thus better understand the Zionist slogan: “Give the land without a people (Palestine) to a people without land (the Jews)” is thus better understood. Now, Palestine has always been inhabited and prosperous, and the beautiful Jaffa oranges were always produced by Palestinian hands.

Palestine did exist: palestinian pound used before the creation of the Jewish state

Therefore, Palestine belongs to the Palestinians, as France to the French and America to the Americans. No one can claim to the contrary without carrying out grave prejudice to justice. We speak because we feel that human betrayal will soon manifest itself at the highest level and that it is time to act to warn men of good faith, so that they do not sink into injustice by demanding by demanding the liberation of Barabbas (see Matthew 27,17-26), represented today by the Zionists, usurpers of Palestine.

Because Palestine is for the Palestinians.

The Zionist aims for Palestine

For centuries, the Zionists aspired to settle themselves in Palestine: “Next year in Jerusalem”, they unceasingly repeated amongst themselves. Energized by the pretext of being the “chosen people”, they coveted the “promised land” which they situated in Palestine. Now, this was the legitimate property of the Palestinians.

To expropriate it, the Zionists rallied the support of Great Britain, then America, posing as the guardians of their interests in the Middle East. Having thus drawn the Allies’ interest to their plan, they managed to penetrate Palestine, to settle under their powerful protection, and used violence to expel the Palestinians, exiling them from their homeland.

The Zionists who immigrated to Palestine from the four corners of the world, lived in the furnished apartments which still belong to the exiled Palestinians, living under tents and in shanty towns that we call “Palestinian refugee camps”. When the Israelis seized their homes by force, found men’s, women’s and children’s clothing in the wardrobes that the Palestinian families, fleeing from the Zionist aggressor, did not even have time to take.

Before becoming violent, Zionist immigration started surreptitiously in 1880. Zionist terrorism appeared later, under the British mandate. There were three notorious terrorist groups: Haganah, Stern, and Irgoun. The latter was headed by the current Israeli Prime Minister, Menahem Begin, author of the Deir Yassin Massacre, and of the blowing-up of the King David Hotel. Today, the Zionists accuse the Palestinian Resistance as terrorists, because they are fighting to liberate Palestine, their motherland.


TAs an institution, Zionism was only concretized and constitutionalized at the Basel Congress in 1897.

Theodore Herzl, the founder of political Zionism, at the urging of whom this Congress was held, advocates in his book “Der Judenstaat” (The Jewish State), the colonization of Palestine, so to definitely achieve the creation of a sovereign Jewish State, whose borders would be: “To the North: the mountains overlooking Cappadoce (South-east of Turkey) to the south: the Suez Canal, and to the east: the Euphrates”. This definition of borders is based on a false interpretation of Biblical texts of the Covenant of Moses, declared as broken by the prophets, mainly Jeremiah, already in 500 BC, announcing that a NEW COVENANT would replace the first (See the text: “Christians and Israel”). It is thus important to stress here that no link exists between Israel of the Bible and the Israel of 1948, which usurped this name to mask the theft of Palestine.

In the Congress of Basel, Herzl declared:

>“We are here to lay the foundation stone of the home that will shelter the Jewish nation”.

The program he proposed may be summarized as follows:

  1. Promote a large-scale and rationally organized settlement of Palestine by the Jews
  2. Obtain the internationally recognized right to colonize Palestine.
  3. Constitute a permanent organization (The Zionist organization) to unite all Jews in defense of Zionism.

This formula became key to Zionist policy.

Historical context

The Zionist approach before 1914

Prior to world war one, Turkish rule extended over all the Middle East, including Palestine.

In 1901, Theodore Herzl made an attempt with the Turkish Sultan that the Jews can help Turkey to restore its finances and exploit the natural resources of the Ottoman Empire. He proposed the creation of a Jewish-Ottoman partnership for the colonization of Palestine and Syria. Herzl even drew up a chart, of which Article 3 “gives the Jews the right to deport the autochthonous population“. That attempt failed.

Ever since 1902, Zionist efforts turned toward the English and and the head of their organization begins talks with the British government. The first results of these talks appeared in 1914, when Chancellor of the Exchequers, Lloyd George, after meeting with the eminent Zionist Haim Weizmann, declares:

“The Zionist leaders have formally promised us that if the Allies pledge to facilitate the creation of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, they will do their utmost to rally Jewish support the world over to the cause of the Allies and obtain their support.”

Thus, during the First World War, the Zionist movement rallied behind Great Britain who, at its turn, saw in Zionism, a British base in the Middle East. Henceforth, the Zionists began work in ending Turkish hegemony over Palestine.

1914: Weakening of Turkey

World War One erupts. Turkey is already weakened by its preceding wars with her neighbors, and power was in the hands of the “Committee of Union and Progress”, headed by the Triumvirat formed by “Talaat, Djavid and Enver”. The latter two were Jews “converted” to Islam. We should point out that at the time, Turkey was an Islamic State.

Four months after the beginning of the war, the Triumvirat pushed an already exhausted Turkey to enter the war with Germany against the Allies. This gave Turkey a fatal blow and ended Ottoman hegemony over the Middle East, with the aim of placing the latter under British influence favorable to the Zionist plan.

1916: The Sykes-Picot Agreement

In 1916, the British and French Governments secretly concluded treaty to partition the Middle East, signed by their respective Ministers of Foreign Affairs: Sykes and Picot. This treaty, Syria and Lebanon were placed under French mandate, whereas Palestine was placed under British mandate.

1917: The Balfour Declaration

Zionist efforts were crowned with success on the 2nd of November 1917, when Lord Balfour, Minister of British Foreign Affairs, declares in a letter to Edmond Rothschild:

“His Majesty’s Government view is in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will do its utmost for the realization of this objective, being clearly understood that nothing will be done that could undermine the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities living in Palestine…”

The community in question was composed of Christians and Muslims; they were, for the most part, expelled from Palestine.

In fact, the British Government did its best to serve Zionism, and did not respect the second part of its declaration: more than three million Palestinians are exiled from their homeland today; the British Government never made any serious attempt of stopping this bloody tragedy. Later, in 1944, the resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the British Labour Party stipulated:

“Let us encourage Arabs to leave in the same measure that Jews arrive.”.

1918: England in the Middle East

On October 3 1918, General Allenby entered Damascus at the head of the British army. He declares to take command of all the occupied territories. Palestine is included.

1920: The British Mandate

On April 25 1920, the League of Nations gives Great Britain mandate over Palestine. In August of the same year, the British Government proclaims that 16,500 Jews are authorized to immigrate per year.

Since then, and under the British mandate, an abusive influx of Zionist immigrants arrived to expand the Jewish ranks in Palestine. The Palestinians opposed this invasion of their motherland but the English stifled all resistance, and doing, in return, no effective effort to stop the flood of Jewish immigration. Already in 1925, the number of 16,500 immigrants was surpassed and was at 33,801, becoming 3.5% of the population. And in 1935: 60,000 immigrants, becoming 4.7 % of the population.

The Zionist invaders immediately began to nibble Palestinian-owned land under the British mandate, thereby undermining the rights of the non-Jewish communities living in Palestine.

1929: The Palestinian Revolt

The Palestinians manifest their discontent against the Judaic-British plot. Numerous confrontations occurred between the Palestinians and Zionists. On August 1929, an incident flares up hostilities throughout the country, leaving 249 dead and 571 wounded.

1936: Organization of the Palestinian Revolt

In April of 1936, the Palestinians revolt again. They set-up a Supreme Committee and call for a general strike “until the British Government entirely modifies its current policy and begins by halting Jewish immigration”. The strike lasted six months, and the uprise spread all over the country. Lloyd George, commenting on these events, tells Ben Gurion the same year:

“So, the Arabs fear that Palestine will become a Jewish State; well then, it will become a Jewish State!”

In June 1936, Great Britain thus arms the Jews against the Palestinians who in turn become worrisome. Thousands of young Jews are armed by the English and organized in territorial units to help maintain order. They constituted the core of a Jewish army operating openly with the clandestine Jewish terrorist forces of the Haganah. Their training is entrusted by General Wiegal to Major Wingate, both English.

1937: England proposed partition

England recommends the partition of Palestine into two States: Palestinian and Jewish. This is the first mention of a “Jewish State”, and the proposed borders surpassed by far the land then possessed by the Jews, estimated at 5.4% of Palestine. The Hebraic State comprised 25% of Palestine.
The Zionist leaders gloat over this and Ben Gurion says:

“This Jewish State they are proposing to us does not correspond to the Zionist objective, but will be a step… We will break the borders which will be imposed on us.”

In October, amongst other measures taken by the English to weaken the Palestinians, five of the most influential members of the Supreme Committee are arrested and deported to the Seychelles Islands (Indian Ocean).

1939: Zionism veered towards America

By the end of 1939, the Palestinian uprising was suppressed: 5679 Palestinians were imprisoned and 110 hanged.

September 1 1939, the Second World War erupts. The Zionists, seeing England’s weakening, changes policy and begins to veer towards America. Ben Gurion writes in his notes:

“Our major concern was the fate of Palestine after the war… It was obvious that the English would not conserve the mandate… As for me, I had no doubt that the centre of gravity of our efforts had passed from the United Kingdom to America, who was trying to assert itself as first place in the world, and where the most numerous and influential Jews were found.”

1941: Zionism adjoins itself to America

America’s Jews and Zionists around the world were demanding for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine after the war. The American Zionists formed Judaic-Christian committees, whose mission was to rally Christians and the clergy of the United States behind the Zionist cause. The Jews did not fail in taking advantage of the literal interpretation that some false Christians -the majority in America- make of the Bible, relying on it to justify their claims. They ensured the support of journalists and official figures, thus injecting Zionist nationalism into the veins of America in its entirety.

1943: Zionism abandons England

On March 17, Ben Gurion declares that the end of the war does not mean the end of the Jewish struggle, because the Zionists in Palestine will not cooperate with the British authorities.

1944-45: Zionist terrorism

It is the end of the Second World War.

The Zionists, who forced their entry into Palestine under protection of the English, practiced systematic terrorism against the Palestinians and high-leveled officials of the British Government. They succeeded in obtaining the unconditional support of the American President Roosevelt who, at the Yalta Conference (February 1945) tells Stalin:

“I am a Zionist, and you?” To which Stalin replies: “I am in principle, but I do not ignore the difficulties”.

Harry Truman succeeded Roosevelt to the Presidency after the latter’s death. He adhered to the Zionist program and, to the objections of four American ambassadors in Arab countries, he responds:

“Sorry Gentlemen, hundreds of thousands long for the success of Zionism; I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my constituency.”

In July 1945, Truman intervenes beside the British Government to grant the Jews certificates for 100,000 immigrants.
In August 1945, Ben Gurion claims the creation of a Jewish State.

1946: Zionists destroy British HQ

On July 22nd, Menahem Begin, heading a group of terrorists, blew up the King David hotel in Jerusalem, Headquarters of the British forces, resulting in 200 dead, mostly Britishers.

1947: U.N. votes for the partition of Palestine

On October 11, following Truman’s instructions, the U.S. Government supports the U.N. partition plan for Palestine. America’s prestige pushes other countries to do the same.

On November 29, the U.N. General Assembly votes for the partition of Palestine into three zones: Palestinian, Zionist, and neutral (Jerusalem and the Holy Sites).

The Arab’s reaction was immediate and violent, and manifestations and protests were organized throughout the Arab world. In Palestine itself, the Palestinians had not yet recovered from the 1936-1939 insurrection because of the numerous losses of human life, the exile of their leaders, and the confiscation of almost all their weapons by the British. They could not therefore resist against the Jews who, organized and well-armed, intensified their terrorist acts to force them to leave the Country. Assassinations were committed all over the country, namely in Jerusalem, Haifa, Jaffa, Safad, etc… The Jews destroyed bridges, homes, shops, warehouses, etc… which belonged to the Palestinians.

1948: The U.N recognizes the State of Israel

The Deir Yassine massacre: On April 9 1948, Menahem Begin’s terrorist group attacks the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin. The villagers are brutally massacred. Ben Gurion denies having any responsibility in this matter. M. Begin, the head of the Irgun says, in speaking of Deir-Yassin:

“Not only was the massacre justified, but there would be no State of Israel if not for this victory.”

After this massacre, the Palestinian Exodus massively increased from fear of other Deir Yassins, which was thus the first step towards the eviction of the Palestinians, who, disarmed, and under the threat of the Zionist terrorists, evacuate entire cities such as Haifa. This city fell on April 22, 1948.

In entering Haifa, the Zionists threatened the population using loud speakers, advising them to flee, lest they suffer the fate of Deir Yassin. In a state of panic, the citizens had no choice but to escape with their children. They could only flee in the direction of the harbor, where British ships were waiting to take them to other Arab countries. In this night alone, Haifa, a town of approximately 100,000 inhabitants, is half-emptied.

Turning a blind eye to Israeli terrorism, America continued its unconditional support of the Zionists. On 23 April 1948, President Truman informs Weizmann that if the Jewish State is proclaimed, the U.S. would recognize it immediately.

On May 15 1948, the British mandate over Palestine ended. At 9:00 a.m. the last British High Commissioner leaves the country. At 4:00 p.m. Ben Gurion proclaims the State of Israel in the presence of 200 officials, photographers and journalists.

The same day, Jewish forces occupy Acre and West Galilee, chasing out the inhabitants.

Whilst leaving Jerusalem, the British handed over to the Haganah, all the buildings of most strategic importance. From the rooftops of these buildings, the Haganah attacked the Palestinian residential quarters and occupied the town, without being able to penetrate into the Old City, which contains the Holy Sites, in view of the strong Palestinian resistance.

Only sixteen minutes after the proclamation of Israel by Ben Gurion, the American Government recognizes it. The Soviet Union did so the next day.

With the proclamation of the State of Israel, 1,000,000 Palestinians are exiled from their homeland. Up till May 1948, the Palestinians had to suffer from Zionism in Palestine, in their home. After 1948, the Palestinian Calvary gets worse and takes place under Zionist occupation and in exile.

All this people, whose families are dislocated, are scattered in tents of misery and shantytowns in Gaza, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

Satisfaction at the “high places” (J. Carter and M. Begin)
Forced exile of Palestinians


After having forced approximately 1,000,000 Palestinians into exile from their homeland, the Zionists, in contempt of the borders drawn out by the U.N., proceed with their expansionist plan in the Palestinian interior, harassing the remaining Palestinians in the country by acts of terrorism. Thus, the Calvary of the Palestinian People developed on two levels: in the interior under Zionist occupation, and external, in exile.

In Palestine’s interior

The Palestinians resisted, as much as they could, the wave of expatriation to which they were violently subjected. Zionist writer John Kimche describes in the “Jewish Observer” (03.03.1967) how General Moshe Dayan, in July 1948, “entered Lydda with full force, firing and instilling terror… The Palestinian population of 30,000 fled or gathered on the road of Ramallah. The next day, Ramleh also surrendered and its inhabitants suffered the same fate. Both towns were plundered by the Israelis.”

In spite of that, international opinion continued to totally favor the Israelis and was hostile to the Palestinians. Zionist influence in America -favored by the approaching November elections of 1948 in particular- rendered American policy even more pro-Zionist. Arms and planes were supplied to the Israelis, and authorization was granted for American military personnel to fight side by side with the Israelis. “Retired American captains and majors were in commandment positions in the Israeli army” (The Times 03.05.1967). In his biography of Ben Gurion, Michael Ben Zohar writes that Ben Gurion, speaking of this military personnel, says: “I do not know whether we could have won the war without their help.”

After the 1967 war, Israel entirely occupies Jerusalem, grabs the Golan Heights, the West Bank, Gaza and the Sinai, and pursues Judaization throughout the whole of Palestine.

The fate of the Palestinian patriots was the most painful. Accused of being “terrorists”, they are thrown into prison and subjected to atrocious torture. The representatives of the International Red Cross were not allowed to verify if the state of the prisoners was satisfactory. In 1977, “The Sunday Times” publishes an alarming report on the inhumane treatment of the Palestinian prisoners.

Article 3 of the emergency law currently in force stipulates that the “Israeli Government has the right to detain administratively, anywhere and at any time, any person in the occupied zone, without having to specify the charge against the person detained.”

High level dignitaries were thus captured for their testimony in favor of the Palestinians. Amongst the most well-known, we mention the Greek-Catholic Bishop of Jerusalem, Hilarion Capucci, imprisoned in 1974 and liberated in 1977, after having spent three years and a half in the Israeli jails.

The Bishop Hilarion Capucci : Pro-Palestinian solidarity

About 4,000 Palestinians are detained in thirty Israeli prisons. These prisons are old buildings whose cells are dark, damp and the sun rarely penetrates or not at all. A staunch smell emerges because of bad sewage pipes. Some rooms, designed for fifteen prisoners, hold 45 who, to sleep, are forced to link up in three successive lots.

In Palestine’s exterior

The winter of 1948-1949 was particularly hard on the Palestinian refugees. They were without luggage and no shelter. Many died of cold and hunger and witnesses mentioned that they saw children with arms “like match-sticks and swollen bellies due to progressive famine. Many babies died from the lack of milk”.

The Israeli leaders held fast nevertheless to the principle of a Zionist State, purely Jewish, and categorically refused to reintegrate the Palestinian refugees, be they Muslim or Christian.

A Palestinian refugee camp

Palestinian property was confiscated by the Jewish State: lands, homes, shops, stores, workshops, etc… were seized. Hundreds of thousands of families were expelled from Palestine, one night in 1948, penniless, without passports or papers of identification, without diplomas or the possibility to practice their profession. Chased out without notice or preparation at all, they lied under tents, far from home, at the mercy of a pitiless international conscience towards them, and all acquired to the Israeli usurpers. The Western conscience, strongly feeling guilty by Hitler’s crimes, wanted to redeem itself in the eyes of the Zionists by allowing them to perpetrate an even more heinous crime against the innocent. This has been going on for over thirty years.

In exile, the Palestinians are deprived of the most elementary civic rights. They mostly “suffer”, and are not welcomed by their hosts. They are concentrated in refugee camps, without potable water or proper sewage systems.
Dismantled, the Palestinian refugees live in stupor and fear.

The PLO (The Palestine Liberation Organization)

On May 28 1964, the First Palestinian National Council holds its session in Jerusalem. The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is proclaimed and the National Chart is drawn up. Thus the Palestinian entity affirmed itself, putting an end to a situation of total disarray.

In this same year, the Palestine Liberation Army is constituted.

In 1965, the struggle for the liberation of Palestine takes a new and decisive turn with the apparition of the “FEDAYEEN”, the Palestinian resistance which operated inside the occupied territories for the liberation of their homeland.

The “Fedayeen”! The Palestinians’ right to regain their land!

The Zionist agression of 1967

In June 1967, the Zionists capture the whole of Jerusalem, the Golan Heights (Syria), the Sinai (Egypt), and all the West Bank. The Jewish State gets rid of a new float of Palestinians who flee to Jordan in the tens of thousands when crossing the Allenby Bridge. They are assembled in refugee camps. The tragedy continues: 410,000 new refugees are added to the number already exiled.

In a resolution of 22 November 1967, the Security Council asks “Israel” to withdraw from the territories occupied in June 1967. But Mr. Abba Eban, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs replies:

“If the Assembly General were to have 121 votes against one in favor of Israel’s return to the Armistice lines (Borders before June 1967), Israel will refuse to comply with this decision.” (New York Times 19.06.1967)

Two attempts of Genocide

In exile, the Palestinian refugees were, twice, the target of genocide on the part of the countries of stay: In Jordan in 1970, and in Lebanon in 1975.

In Jordan

The exiled Palestinians refuse to let themselves be absorbed by the Jordanian Regime and and claim the right to fight to liberate Palestine from Jordan. In September 1970, King Hussein reacts violently: His army attacks the refugee camps and thousands are killed and wounded. This is the famous “Black September”.

Again in July 1971, the Jordanian King is rife. The result of both campaigns was about 25,000 dead and wounded. More than 200,000 Palestinians fled from Jordan towards Syria and Lebanon.

In Lebanon

Aware of the plots contrived against them, the Palestinians ask the Lebanese Republic to protect their camps from foreign infiltration. The President of the Republic, Mr. Soleiman Frangieh, responds that the Republic is unable of assuring their protection and that they should assume charge of it themselves.

On the night of 13 April 1973, Israeli commandos land in Beirut. Aided by their Lebanese agents, they head towards the homes of 3 Palestinian leaders and murder them in their bedrooms.

Following this incident, the Palestinians decide to erect checkpoints around their camps to ensure a minimal protection. In Beirut, 4 checkpoints were erected, 2 of which were occasional.

One Lebanese faction (the extreme right), the Christian Phalangist party at the helm, considered these checkpoints as a defiance to Lebanese sovereignty. On the contrary, Lebanese Patriots -Christians and Muslims- justified the Palestinians because of their prior permission to defend themselves, and because these checkpoints, not many, never exceeded the lines drawn for the refugee camps.

Tension against the Palestinians was entertained by some Christian leaders of the extreme right who were pro Israeli. strong anti-Palestinian sentiments were thus injected in the Christian Lebanese right, who automatically reacted negatively towards the Palestinians.

On April 13 1975, the Palestinian commemoration of their martyrs, a meeting is held by the refugees in one of their camps. After the meeting, a bus transporting more than 25 Palestinians, men, women and children, coming from another camp. On their return, passing through an extreme right Christian quarter (Christian Phalangists), the bus is intercepted by armed Christian militiamen. All occupants are killed.

This incident sparked off the civil war in Lebanon. Lebanese patriots were in solidarity with the Palestinians against a plan of extermination orchestrated in the shadows by the Israelis, together with their Lebanese and Arab agents. Since then, the Palestinians and Lebanese patriots jointly fought for a common cause.

Four Palestinian camps, situated in Christian Maronite areas, were literally razed to the ground. Two of these camps -Quarantine and Tel el Zaatar- sheltered Palestinians and some Lebanese from the South of Lebanon, who fled from Israeli shelling following the destruction of their homes. The other two camps -Dbayeh and Jisr el Bacha- sheltered Palestinian Christians, who were Greek-Catholic.

The Tel El Zaatar camp after the genocide

Following these events, a large number of Palestinian refugees were reshuffled into the South of Lebanon. Once again, the Lebanese extreme right accuses the “Palestinian refugees residing in Lebanon of attempting to take Lebanon as their Homeland instead of Palestine” (Pierre Gemayel, leader of the Christian Phalangists, “L’Orient-Le Jour” of 09.01.78). However, the Lebanese extreme right disseminated rumors in its press suggesting that the Palestinians were buying land in the South of Lebanon in order to let them settle there.

Faced with the plot to discredit it with the aim of exterminating it, the Palestinian Revolution repeatedly stated, formally and publicly, that the Palestinians will never accept an alternative homeland, even if it is Paradise.

The fight for the survival and liberation of Palestine continues. This struggle is a symbol: who so works for the liberation of Palestine, works for the liberation of their own Homeland.


The Zionists cry anti-Semitism whenever someone brings up their crimes. In the same way they use the Bible to mask their theft of Palestine, we think it useful to demonstrate that the Bible is the most “anti-Semitic” book because it has never ceased to denounce the Zionist spirit, which goes against the notion of spiritual salvation and the Promised Land, as well as the universality of chosenness.

The thoughtful Christian reader can easily remark that no real connection exists between the artificial Israel of 1948, which is a human fabrication, and the prophetic and spiritual Israel, which the Bible speaks of.

For a better understanding of the problem, refer to the text: “Christians and Israel”.

Pierre (1978)

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