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Our Faith

Our purpose is to unite the true independent believers, whoever and wherever they are, by God’s Word in the Bible and the Qur’an.

We urge them, by knowing this divine Word, to elevate themselves in order to listen to what the Divine Spirit tells men today.

The Messiah, Word of God, said:

“Why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?” (Luke 12,57)

Many of our correspondents have asked us: “What is your Faith, what do you believe in”? Here is our Faith expressed with simplicity.

We believe:

  1. That God exists. He is the only Creator. No polytheism exists.
  2. That God manifested Himself to Abraham, the first man who revealed Him four thousand years ago.
  3. In the Prophets who followed Abraham and announced the Advent of the Messiah.
  4. That Jesus is the Messiah.
  5. That Muhammad is the Prophet sent by God to confirm the Biblical Books and enlighten those who knew neither God nor the Bible.
  6. In the Inspired Books: the 46 Books of the Old Testament, the 27 Books of the New Testament, the 114 Sura of the Qur’an and the “Holy Discussions” of Muhammad.
  7. In the apparitions of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Messiah, and especially those in La Salette (France 1846), Lourdes (France 1858) and Fatima (Portugal 1917).
  8. That the Book of Revelation has been revealed by the Messiah Himself on the 13th of May 1970, to unmask “the Beast” (the Antichrist), to announce the Return of Christ and establish the Universal Restoration.
  9. In the Spiritual Supper offered by the Messiah, in our homes, with Him.

We do not believe in:

  1. The material cults: hierarchies, various rituals with their particular garments and gestures, animal sacrifices and pilgrimages etc…
  2. Places of cult: synagogues, churches, mosques, pagodas etc… The only place of cult is interior, within the hearts of the believers, where God dwells.
  3. Reincarnation, metempsychosis, or cult of animals etc…
  4. Religious nationalism or elected people (Jewish, Christian, Muslim etc…). Faith is not political and election is individual and universal.

Some people have asked us: To what religion do you belong?

Our answer: We belong to no religion. We have understood from the Prophecies of the Holy Books and from the Messages of Mary that God wants to renew everything and to establish a direct and personal link with the believers. Thus, we have liberated ourselves from all the religious hierarchies because they have been denounced by the Prophecies and by Mary as mercenaries and traitorous. Let people qualify us as they wish! Let them believe what they wish! We are simply independent believers.

We invite all those who are pure in heart to discover spiritual maturity; we urge them to establish the direct link with God, our Creator and Father, like Adam before his fall. This is God’s explicit Will.

Finally, we dare to say that, due to the Inspired Books, our faith has become absolute Knowledge.

Pierre (02.2002)

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